Terms and Conditions
Before you order from our website please read the terms and conditions below..
Ordering through our site means that you understand and agree to all
our terms and conditions.
Be aware that when you purchase via the internet you are entering into
a legally binding contract. Supply is dependant on compliance with T&C.
The Bimble Inn & Bimble Bandada are trading names of Bimble Ltd.
Purchases / Delivery
Your purchase is a 2025 membership to Bimble Bandada and Bimble Camp. You membership gives you entry to this years Bimble Bandada event. Memberships expire on Dec 31st 2025.
After purching your membership you will be emailed your unique codes. These code will grant you access to Bimble Bandada and is all you require to gain access to the event.
Flexi Pay by Bank Transfer
To help spread the cost we have created Flexi Pay!
Simply pay a min of 20% on booking and then payments to suit you until the total has been paid. Payments are made by Bank Transfer, and you can do via your online banking or setup a standing order via your bank to suit you.
Final payment must be received by 4th July 2025 (4/7/2025).
Flexi Payment bookings which are not completed by 4th July will be cancelled.
Flexi Payments sent without the correct reference number will incur a £6 admin fee to manually process the payment.
Bank Transfer Payment
To make payment use your online banking to send the payment to the account details provided when you order. You must ensure you include the Ref for your order on the payment so that the payment is allocated to your order correctly. Just use the ref on its own as its automatically processed. If you don't have online banking then you can take the details into the bank and ask them to do the transfer for you.
Card Payments / Apple Pay / Google Pay
Payments are available via Debit or Credit card and via Apple Pay or Google Pay
Booking Fees 2.5%
Special Offer - free booking fees on Flexi Pay and Bank Transfers
Donations are made freely by you to help support the festival and enable us to keep cheep ticket prices. You accept that you receive nothing in return for this donation, and it is made separately to your ticket purchase. As a donation there is no VAT in your donation amount. Donations are non-refundable.
Bimble Bandada Event Policies
Under 16's are not admitted without an adult. If you look young but are over 16 and wish to attend without an adult you must bring a recognised official ID (ie Passport or Official Proof of Age Card or a birth certificate along with some recognised photo ID) to prove your age. Without any ID you will be refused entry without an Adult on the same membership as you.
We cannot accept responsibility if you are refused admission.
The event operates on a
Challenge 25 policy. If you are wishing to purchase alcohol please
bring a recognised proof of age ID. This
ID may be checked on entry and will be checked when making purchases from the bars.
Illegal Alcohol Sales, please do not come with alcohol to sell, the police and council are very hot on this and you will be shut down by our security and your stock may be confiscated. We reserve the right to remove anyone found selling Alcohol from the site.
No Dogs - Again we have to maintin our no dogs rule.
No Access to site before Friday 9am - Please do not come early. Any early arrivers will have to wait in the car park till the gates open at 9am on Friday morning. Our licence does not permit members to be onsite before the gates open at 9am on Friday.
Generators or Unathorised Sound Systems - The festival is 100% solar powered and no generators are allowed on site. No Unathorised sound systems are allowed. These items may be convicated or you may be asked to leave the event.
Glass Bottles - Please do not bring glass bottles.
Cancellation and Right of Admission
Requests to cancel membership will be dealt with on a case by case basis as sympathetically as possible, In all cases, refunds are provisional on being requested before 4th July 2025.
There is a £10 administration charge per cancellation.
Flexi Pay bookings which are not completed by 4th July 2025 will be cancelled. If less than 50% payment has been received, then this deposit payment becomes non-refundable and is charged as an admin cancellation fee.
If Flexi Pay bookings which have made multiple payments request to cancel after 13th June a £25 admin charge will be charged.
Booking fees are non-refundable.
Donations are non-refundable.
We do endeavour to make members aware of event cancellations but
We will email you in the event of a cancellation, and will not
be responsible for any expenses, such as accommodation or travel, made by you if you try to attend a cancelled
event, even if arrangements we're made prior to the cancellation.
Reselling at a greater value is strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to cancel any order where, for whatever reason, we suspect this is the intention of the purchaser.
Right of admission is reserved by us. In the event of refusal you should claim your refund from us.
The information on this web site is not infallible. Mistakes can be made. Information
about acts is believed to be correct at the time of publishing. We cannot guarantee
these acts will appear and reserve the right to change the act,
venue and date.
In the event of a price being mis-advertised on this site or changed by us, we reserve the right to withdraw the item from sale.
Please check your orders on receipt and inform us of any discrepancies immediately
as mistakes cannot always be rectified later.
Bimble Ltd. Registered Address: Aldridge Mill, Oakford, Devon EX16 9EX. Reg Company no: 13834957
Privacy Policy
Credit card details will be handled securely to ensure confidentiality. SSL encryption is employed to ensure sensitive data is protected. We do store names and addresses of our customers for our own accounting
purposes and may inform you of other events we are doing, but they
are never made available to third parties.
This site uses essential session cookies for the operation of the website. By visiting this site you agree by implied consent to these cookies being set on your computer.
Feedback and Complaints
Should you have any feedback or be dissatisfied with our service, please contact us on
[email protected]
We will attempt to deal with any complaints quickly and fairly.
Site Guidelines
Admission. Gates will be open from 10am on Friday 25th July till 3pm on Sunday 27th July. The gate will be shut during the hours of darkness as the gate staff deem necessary according to current levels of traffic. You should leave site by the afternoon of Monday 29th.
Don’t Bring:
Dogs or Other Animals. They are not allowed on site. Anybody found with a dog in their vehicle will be turned away
Drugs. We do not tolerate illegal drugs on site. Vehicles and individuals may be searched on entry. This includes nitrous oxide.
Large quantities of Alcohol. Alcohol can only be sold through licensed vendors. Alcohol in quantities considered to be in excess of personal consumption will be confiscated.
Generators. No generators will be allowed on site. Anybody found carrying a generator will have it impounded.
Sound Systems. No unauthorised sound systems. These will be impounded at the gate.
Glass Bottle. For obvious safety reasons these are not allowed on site.
Camping and Fire Safety: Please camp with consideration for your neighbours and those around you. Due to fire safety regulations tents cannot be erected next to cars. Camper Vans and tents must be sited in the appropriate areas. Camp fires are allowed as long as they remain attended to all times! Fire Points will be clearly visible and supplied with buckets and water.
General: Disorderly behaviour on site will not be tolerated. Please respect the privacy and peace of others attending the event. Please stay within the boundaries of the festival and do not stray onto land that is not within the festival site. There are plenty of toilets and Urinals on site. Please do not use the hedges or ditches as a toilet!! Please take care around troughs and other bodies of water – especially with small children.
Lost Children: All lost children (once found) will be taken to the Kids Area, or if after hours to Production. Please report a lost child immediately to a steward or a member of the Welfare Team or Children’s Area (or anybody with a radio).
Personal Security: Please do not leave valuables in your vehicles. Don’t forget to lock up! Please use this wherever possible and discourage thieves. Be aware of potential trouble-makers. Watch over the tents of your friends and neighbours as well as your own! it is for your own protection.
First Aid and Welfare: The First Aid facilities sign posted. In the case of a more serious condition please speak immediately to the nearest steward or security member. They will radio for First Aid immediately. Welfare facilities are sign posted. They are there for the benefit of all, please do not hesitate to visit them for counselling, comfort or just a hot cup of tea.
Recycling: Bimble Bandada has a bin system with emphasis on YOU as user to sort waste before disposing of it. All attendees of the event are encouraged to recycle their waste wherever possible. Please use bins provided as instructed on accompanying labels.
Conditions of Entry
- All persons arriving with a vehicle must park on site in the designated areas. Anybody who does not is liable to have their vehicle removed.
- Anybody who it is considered may have parked outside the site could be refused entry.
- Anybody arriving on foot may be refused entry. If being dropped off, please ensure this occurs at the assigned drop-off point .
- We have the right to search anybody as a condition of entry to our event.
- Anybody refusing a search will be evicted from site. There is a no return policy on those refusing searches. Amnesty boxes are positioned to allow attendees to voluntarily surrender illegal drugs.
- We have the right to confiscate large quantities of alcohol.
- An attendee is not to bring any more alcohol than is required for personal consumption.
- Any parent of a minor suspected of consumption of alcohol is liable for eviction. Any parent or guardian of a minor suspected of committing or planning to commit an act of crime or anti-social behaviour will be evicted along with those in their care.
- We have the right to confiscate PAs, generators, glass and other banned articles. All illegal substances and articles are banned from site.
- The organisers reserve the right to change the bill without prior notification
- Persons and vehicles suspected of carrying out illegal and/or offensive activities on site will be searched and subject to eviction.
- Lost wristbands cannot be replaced. Anybody found without a wristband is liable to be evicted.
- Anybody entering the site is liable to be spot-checked.
- Anybody found to be wearing a wristband that has been tampered with shall be immediately evicted by security staff.
- Anybody entering the event site is liable to be filmed or photographed and agrees by doing so for that image or video to be used for promotional purposes to be decided at the discretion of the organisers.